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Quantum Energy Intuitive

As a Quantum Field Transformational Intuitive for over 35 years I can literally work with you to hack your reality and transform your map to radiate optimum frequencies. I AM a solution based Intuitive. No fluff just the truth.

Every soul map radiates LIGHT frequencies and symbols which portray your LIFE force, past and current energy spectrums and vital information about your optimum quantum blueprint which is your mission and best way to accomplish this. God is a painter, he paints with light, so are we. As co- creaters we are painters who paint our lives into classrooms.


These light frequencies also appear in defined energy centers that determine the health and well being of every aspect of your inner-outer life condition such as prosperity, love, relationships, anatomical, biological ,spiritual health, every aspect of your being , past lives and so much more.

What a Trusted Energy Authority does:

As an Energy Medical Intuitive I see and interpret how you appear within the holographic universe and relay vital information to guide you to correct by adjusting the frequency.

Answers to Questions:

What is my mission ? What did I come here to do? What past lives have I had that help me, hold me back? What is my optimum life? What am I here for? What are my spiritual gifts? How can I be most helpful to others? Spiritual guidance can transform your life.

Trained in Huna Medicine and Time Line Therapy .

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